Friday, December 17, 2010

art poster

I made this poster in digital design using photoshop.  I used some pictures that were provided and put them together.  I used a brush design to give the background some color.  I need to make this more visually interesting because it is a sign that would be hanging up in the school.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I made this cyborg project in digital design using photoshop.  I first chose a background and had a classmate take a picture of me.  I then filtered my picture to match the background.  I picked different robot parts and cut them out and added them to the picture.  I burned the skin around the metal using the burn and blur tool.  If i had more time to work on this project I would take a different photo so that my feet are included and I would make the burn neater.  For the most part I am satisfied with the finished project. I really like the filter I used for the picture of myself.

Monday, December 13, 2010

movie poster

I made this movie poster in digital design using photoshop.  I chose the genre of movie that I wanted to do and then I took a picture of a classmate to use for the poster.  I came up with several different background ideas for the poster and then ended up choosing on that looked the best with the picture.  I then made the credits after I finished with the figure of the poster.  The background image could have been chosen more carefully because the one I chose is kind of pixelated. For the most part, I am happy with the outcome of this project.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Whats On Your Mind

I created this Whats On Your Mind project in Digital Design 1.  I first found pictures of items that i like/enjoy and frequently think about.  I took a picture of myself and cut the top of my head off and used a black oblique to look like the inside of my head using photoshop.  I then cut out all of the items i had found and made it look as if they were coming out of my head.  I had problems cutting out my pictures but used the eraser tool to make them more precise and neater looking.  For the most part I am happy with the way it turned out but I would like to see the color of my picture blend better with the background. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I created this silhouette image in digital design using photoshop.  I used a trimatic color scheme of purple orange and blue.  I cut out the three pictures of myself and arranged them in an appealing way.  I used different brush tools to create the background look. I used gradient layers to give the portrait color.

Self Portrait

I created this self portrait in digital design using photoshop.  I decided to use this font to give it more of a picasso feel.  I tried to make my hair and features resemble mine in some way.

Famous for 15 Min

 I made this in digital design using photoshop.  It is based off of the work of andy warhol.  I used different gradient layers to create different effects to each of the four faces.


In digital design I made this bottlecap design using photoshop.  I decided to use a diamond as the heart and central image because I like diamonds.  I thought the words high maintenance went well with a diamond because diamonds are expensive.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sign Parody

This project was created for digital design.  I created it in photoshop.  After finding inspiration for this project on the internet I saved a picture of a kangaroo.  Then i traced the kangaroo and altered its legs.  I then created a pair of boxing gloves after standing the kangaroo upright.  During this project i had trouble with creating a symmetrical look.  I need to work more on this project and create more defined and cleaner lines.