Thursday, October 21, 2010


I created this silhouette image in digital design using photoshop.  I used a trimatic color scheme of purple orange and blue.  I cut out the three pictures of myself and arranged them in an appealing way.  I used different brush tools to create the background look. I used gradient layers to give the portrait color.

Self Portrait

I created this self portrait in digital design using photoshop.  I decided to use this font to give it more of a picasso feel.  I tried to make my hair and features resemble mine in some way.

Famous for 15 Min

 I made this in digital design using photoshop.  It is based off of the work of andy warhol.  I used different gradient layers to create different effects to each of the four faces.


In digital design I made this bottlecap design using photoshop.  I decided to use a diamond as the heart and central image because I like diamonds.  I thought the words high maintenance went well with a diamond because diamonds are expensive.